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Offer for Industry


Specification of research equipment

1. Air-lift tower bioreactors of volume 16, 32, 200 dm3and bioreactors with impellers of volume 2, 10, 42 dm3constructed by our staff.

2. Computer-aided air-lift tower bioreactors and bioreactors with impellers of volume 3and 15 dm3(B. Braun/Sartorius)

3. EK 10 High speed centrifuge (Sigma)

4. R153 Evaporator (Buchi)

5. FUNDABACK TSD Biomass separation filter (Mueller)

6. ELO 04 Ultrafiltrating modulus (Milipore)

7. LS50B Fluorometer (Perkin Elmer)

8. BX 40 Olympus microscope with a fluorescent unit and image analysing system

9. BOD Manometric meter, COD Reactor, DR/2800 spectrophotometer (Hach-Lange)

10. HBB 2448 Laminar chamber (Holten),

11. Set of 6 Spectra/ Chrom chromatographic columns for continuous liquid separation using an ion exchange method.

12. NA 2500 Elementary analyser (CE Instruments)

13. TGA/SDTA 851 Thermobalance (Mettler –Toledo)

14. BMT 963 Ozone generator and analyser (Mess-Technik GmBH)

15. UV-VIS UV 300 Spectrophotometer (Unicam) with a flow cell

16. QMS 200 Quadrupole mass spectrometer (Balzers)

17. Kl-12 Calorimetric bomb (Postęp –Bit)18.HPLC Liquid chromatograph and Ultra HPLC with quadrupole mass spectrometer MS (Waters)