Teaching activities conducted by the staff of the department:
- Chemical and Biological Hazard Factors
- Water Treatment Technologies
- Wastewater Treatment Technologies
- Hazards and Microbiological Safety
- Introduction to Chemical Reactor and Bioreactor Engineering
- Introduction to Bioreator Engineering
- Bioreactors
- Bioproducts
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Bioprocess
- Foreign Language for Scientific Purposes
- Upstream processing
- Isolation and Purification of Bioproducts
- Chemical Technology
- Industrial Microbiology
- Bioreactor Engineering
- Chemical Reactor Engineering
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Measurement Techniques in Biotechnology
- Engineering Design
- Biochemical Engineering
- Introduction to Studying
- Kinetics of Chemical and Biochemical Reactions
- Mass transfer and Diffusion Processes
- Aerobiological Engineering
- Toxicology
- Waste Management
- Engineering Graphics
- Mechanics of materials
- Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry
- Mechanical Processes
- Fundamentals of Chemistry
- Environmental Analysis
- Physical Chemistry