Doctoral theses currently carried out at the Department of Bioprocess Engineering:
- "Development of methods for the extraction of crude phycocyanin and its purification to the level of pharmaceutical purity"
M.Sc. Rafał Szeląg
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Stanisław Ledakowicz, PhD, DSc
Advisor: Anna Antecka, PhD
- "Investigation of optimal growth conditions for the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus PCC6715 and photobiosynthesis of thermostable phycocyanin"
M.Sc. Damian Pietrzyk
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Stanisław Ledakowicz, PhD, DSc
Advisor: Anna Klepacz - Smółka, PhD
- "Research on the process of ultrasonic disintegration of microorganism cells"
M.Sc. Anna Kacprowicz
Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Marek Solecki